So now we got to go on and out of Beijing.. We took the train yesterday to Xi'An city, a small place of only 7 million inhabitants.. We are planning our way towards Tibet by going down from the North to Lhasa.
For the moment it's only at plannig stage so we'll see what really happens..

We arrived in Xi'An after finding out that in the same train / wagon were our friends Eric and Irene from Manlai's Guesthouse in Mongolia, they had also booked the same hostel as us.. Funny coincidence.

In the evening we sought little around the city and admired the lighted buildings.

Now we have been here in Xi'An for a couple of days, and on Friday evening our hostel had this dumpling party.
Everybody got to make dumplings (meat or veggie wrapped in dough) which were taken in the kitchen afterwards to be cooked, that was actually really nice.. Free meal =)