So this is finally our last day here in Ulan Bator, this evening around 2000 local time our train will leave heading towards the Chinese border, once there (tomorrow morning) we will take this sleeper bus which will head to Beijing China.. The sleeper bus is according to it's name a bus which has sleeping beds.. I'll try to get a photo of it, if I remember..  =)

Anxiously waiting..
Notice my 'fine tuned' 0,4L  mug next to my left arm..

This is really nice to get on moving again.. I grew tired of writing things that happen here in Mongolia because there hasn't been many happenings.. So now it could take a few days, but when we manage to hook up a place where to stay, and have settled ourselves, it will be time for some new writings and hopefully pictures.. On to the next country.. Jiihaa!!